WE ARE OFFICIALLY... (wait for it...) ... GRANDPARENTS!
Yaaaaaay! Okay, so, we're excited. Obviously.
It was Georgia that spawned these:
(Sorry for the poor quality, I was shaking from adrenaline from removing two of the three babies' heads from the caging in the back. This guy was stuck with his head in that back corner that you can see. Not to mention he wouldn't sit still.)
So, yesterday night, Georgia had apparently constructed a nest of fur (coated her cage and the nesting box in fur that she was pulling off of her dewlap)
**NOTE** Dewlap is the flab of skin that's under her chin. Makes her look fat. Looks like this:

Fun fact, we have a video of her preparing the nest, you might be able to see her dewlap, you can DEFINITELY see her nesting hair that she had been pulling. (Okay, I just watched it and you can't see the dewlap because she has a mouthful of fur that looks like an old man beard. But still, use your imagination.)
After a rabbit makes its nest, they are supposed to have babies (Kittens or kits) in 1 to 3 days. So, Austin and I were looking forward to being parents before the week was out.
I told him I wouldn't be surprised if she had them one night without us knowing and that we'd have to check on them quite regularly. He agreed (because he's a smart boyfriend).
So, we went out to check on them this morning and looked around only to find a little bunny pushed up against the back of the cage, his head through the 1"x1" wiring that is the back wall of the cage. Upon further inspection, we saw another in the corner of the cage in the same predicament (OH NOOOOOO!) We didn't want them to freeze to death outside the nesting box so we had to intervene. We tossed a jacket over Georgia's head to prevent her from getting stressed/angry/upset with us being in her cage (my jacket is now covered in Georgia's nest fur). Then (since Austin was afraid of hurting the tiny baby bunnies about the size of a Twinkie) I reached in and started to get the little guys free. They were more stuck than I expected and their ears were caught on the cage so I worked them out, one ear at a time.
It was adorable and terrifying, they would occasionally squeak and for some dumb reason keep crawling TOWARDS the gap they were stuck in while I tried to pull them away from it. They were quite cold, and I'm hoping they warm back up quickly inside the box with their (at least one other) litter mate. Also, Austin did help. My arms were too short to properly maneuver the bunny in the corner of the cage so he freed its leg for me so I could work it out of the wall.
Lastly, to make sure Georgia wouldn't reject the kits that we were handling, we dabbed some vanilla (well, dripped some vanilla because she doesn't like us touching her) onto the end of her nose to prevent her from smelling us on them.
We aren't sure if she was still going to have more or if this is her entire litter (three is a good number for a starter mom) but we'll be checking on her regularly.
We will keep you guys updated and try to get pictures when we can... Wish us luck!!
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