This is the only time I've had all three of them in the RE2.0 because they don't play as nicely as they did before they'd matured. I blame Georgia. I still can't tell if she's pregnant, but I think she might be and I sincerely hope so. If they're all in there at the same time, she just growls at them if they come too close, but she won't let Fabio mount Jane to try and breed. Not that Jane lets him, but Georgia pitches a fit. Right now, neither of the girls will let Fabio do his thing. Georgia was in heat for literally a day about three weeks ago and Fabio managed to mount two or three times, but the next day she was extremely against it and has been ever since. She seems to have gotten more aggressive, and I hope that's because her motherly hormones and instincts are turning on. She even bit me for the first time last week when I tried to handle her. I haven't seen her trying to make a nest yet, but I put some sticks in her cage recently just in case. If nothing else, she'll chew on them instead of the nesting box. Oh well. I'll just keep watching and rest assure that there'll be a post as soon as I am able to confirm that either of the girls is expecting little ones.
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