So, you might be able to guess what this is about due to the title. But I'll continue to tell you about it anyway. You know how we had two does (the grey/silver ones) and one buck (the white one)? Weeeelllll... It seems we may have been wrong about that. Today, Curious Georgia turned into Bi-Curious George.
Once upon a time (A.K.A. earlier today), we put our bunnies into the run. When we put our bunnies into the run, Fabio was chasing the females (as he does) and so we decided to make his life easier and remove Jane from the equation for a little bit so he could focus on one girl. Nicole (one of the roommates) and I were chatting about the mulberries (smearing them on each other) as I held Jane and Austin was watching the bunnies in the run.
He gets suspiciously silent before muttering "Ummmm... Honey..." And I look down at the rabbits.
Seeing one rabbit on another rabbit I simply say "Good work, Fabio".
Austin shook his head a little and informed me "That isn't Fabio."
I look again and lo and behold, it wasn't Fabio on top of Georgia. It was the other way around (whoops). So we stared awkwardly at the scene before us before deciding to put Jane back in. Upon doing so, George (as we so lovingly renamed the rabbit) was ALL OVER Jane. So, we did what any good parents would do and continued to look extremely confused before pulling Fabio out (who was also getting harassed by the recently discovered male).
We allowed George to stay with Jane for a while, he seems more successful at the whole 'breeding' thing than Fabio. Poor Jane had to put up with two boys on occasion. Once all of the bunnies had settled, we put them back (putting George in with Jane because we still only have two cages).
So, here we are left with two bucks and one doe, not the best strategy. After we figure out how to sex the rabbits and double check the sexes of our rabbits, we may move one rabbit indoors to be a pet and then try to find another doe so that we can have the preferred 2 does to 1 buck ratio.
Well, that was our adventure of the day, we're now off to buy some materials to finish up that second cage so that Jane won't be stuck with George for the rest of her life.
So, we'd better JUMP to it (HA!). Bye.
Austin's Note:
So, if you've ever seen the movie Gladiator I encourage you to recall an earlier scene in the film regarding some giraffes. I have provided the link below in case you haven't seen it or don't remember it.
Queer Giraffes
Well, just the other day I was telling my father about how we have been having problems getting the rabbits to mate (which is kind of the main reason we bought them, so we can eat the offspring). I ended up using the phrase "prudish does". He chuckled and quoted the aforementioned scene at me with "you sold me....queer giraffes". So, naturally after today's discovery I had to call him and let him know that his quote was more appropriate than he realized. He had a good laugh. He reminded us that rabbits are a more difficult animal to sex (which is just to determine and identify their sex organs. The other thing is called mating). So we're gonna look up how to sex rabbits properly, since we will need to know it anyways whenever we do end up having kits. But I laughed, because our indication that Curious Georgia was actually Bi-Curious George was because his first move was to start humping our other buck. Not the female that was in there, but the other buck. But he tried on her too. So it's all good. I just wanted to throw this comment in here because that scene has always amused me and it's what I thought of. That is all. Now I have to go build a cage. Hasta luego!
Once upon a time (A.K.A. earlier today), we put our bunnies into the run. When we put our bunnies into the run, Fabio was chasing the females (as he does) and so we decided to make his life easier and remove Jane from the equation for a little bit so he could focus on one girl. Nicole (one of the roommates) and I were chatting about the mulberries (smearing them on each other) as I held Jane and Austin was watching the bunnies in the run.
He gets suspiciously silent before muttering "Ummmm... Honey..." And I look down at the rabbits.
Seeing one rabbit on another rabbit I simply say "Good work, Fabio".
Austin shook his head a little and informed me "That isn't Fabio."
I look again and lo and behold, it wasn't Fabio on top of Georgia. It was the other way around (whoops). So we stared awkwardly at the scene before us before deciding to put Jane back in. Upon doing so, George (as we so lovingly renamed the rabbit) was ALL OVER Jane. So, we did what any good parents would do and continued to look extremely confused before pulling Fabio out (who was also getting harassed by the recently discovered male).
We allowed George to stay with Jane for a while, he seems more successful at the whole 'breeding' thing than Fabio. Poor Jane had to put up with two boys on occasion. Once all of the bunnies had settled, we put them back (putting George in with Jane because we still only have two cages).
So, here we are left with two bucks and one doe, not the best strategy. After we figure out how to sex the rabbits and double check the sexes of our rabbits, we may move one rabbit indoors to be a pet and then try to find another doe so that we can have the preferred 2 does to 1 buck ratio.
Well, that was our adventure of the day, we're now off to buy some materials to finish up that second cage so that Jane won't be stuck with George for the rest of her life.
So, we'd better JUMP to it (HA!). Bye.
Austin's Note:
So, if you've ever seen the movie Gladiator I encourage you to recall an earlier scene in the film regarding some giraffes. I have provided the link below in case you haven't seen it or don't remember it.
Queer Giraffes
Well, just the other day I was telling my father about how we have been having problems getting the rabbits to mate (which is kind of the main reason we bought them, so we can eat the offspring). I ended up using the phrase "prudish does". He chuckled and quoted the aforementioned scene at me with "you sold me....queer giraffes". So, naturally after today's discovery I had to call him and let him know that his quote was more appropriate than he realized. He had a good laugh. He reminded us that rabbits are a more difficult animal to sex (which is just to determine and identify their sex organs. The other thing is called mating). So we're gonna look up how to sex rabbits properly, since we will need to know it anyways whenever we do end up having kits. But I laughed, because our indication that Curious Georgia was actually Bi-Curious George was because his first move was to start humping our other buck. Not the female that was in there, but the other buck. But he tried on her too. So it's all good. I just wanted to throw this comment in here because that scene has always amused me and it's what I thought of. That is all. Now I have to go build a cage. Hasta luego!