Our most recent addition to the urban homestead is a collection of three rabbits. Okay, so they're not tactical attack rabbits like the one pictured above, but we are really excited about them nonetheless. In our area, there are no chickens or ducks or anything like that allowed within the city limits because they make noise and raise a stink very quickly. But rabbits are have no current litigation against them
in the Cedar Falls area and the landlord said as long as we clean up the poop, they're allowed. Meet the newest additions to our little goofy family:

These will be our breeding stock for our meat rabbits, so since we will be keeping these guys around and not eating them we gave them names. The white one is our buck, and he is a cross-breed New Zealand White/English Spot that we have named Fabio. New Zealands are the most common breed of meat rabbit in the US. The other two are purebreed Champagne D'Argent rabbits, which are a more rare but highly regarded meat breed. They are born black and slowly transition into that silver color, and we really like that quality and just the feel of their coat. Lauren found a blog that she'll share a link to later that is a homesteading lady who swears by Champagnes. We named them Curious Georgia (because she likes to explore) and Jane Doe. Georgia seems to be more my doe and Jane more of Lauren's, but we don't really pick favorites. Yet. We won't be naming the offspring since they will be harvested. We really like the fur color and qualities of the does, so we're hoping that their fur proves to be genetically dominant over Fabio's white fur. We will know in a few months.
This is the state of their hutch when they first moved in. The bottom right cage is two levels and was made entirely by hand by Lauren and I. The girls seem to like it. I will hopefully complete the second level within the next few days and that project will be complete. The second level is going to be one big cage for when the does start to kindle and after they give birth, so the kits will never really stay in the bottom cages. There will be a poop tray underneath the cage so that the parents don't get showered in all sorts of unfavorable things.
Not only will we be harvesting their offspring for meat, but I will also be harvesting the fur for use in making various items or just trading/selling them. My first projects I have in mind for the furs are a little square pillow, a small arrow quiver for when I start deer hunting in the fall, and a blanket. The Champagne fur is extremely soft and I think would make for some great items.
Most experienced rabbitry owners actually suggest starting with two females and one male instead of two males, which surprised me. But I'm new at this, so I won't argue with the experts. You'll be seeing a lot more of our adventures with the rabbits, and if you're ever in the Cedar Falls area you can stop by and come play with them!
in the Cedar Falls area and the landlord said as long as we clean up the poop, they're allowed. Meet the newest additions to our little goofy family:

These will be our breeding stock for our meat rabbits, so since we will be keeping these guys around and not eating them we gave them names. The white one is our buck, and he is a cross-breed New Zealand White/English Spot that we have named Fabio. New Zealands are the most common breed of meat rabbit in the US. The other two are purebreed Champagne D'Argent rabbits, which are a more rare but highly regarded meat breed. They are born black and slowly transition into that silver color, and we really like that quality and just the feel of their coat. Lauren found a blog that she'll share a link to later that is a homesteading lady who swears by Champagnes. We named them Curious Georgia (because she likes to explore) and Jane Doe. Georgia seems to be more my doe and Jane more of Lauren's, but we don't really pick favorites. Yet. We won't be naming the offspring since they will be harvested. We really like the fur color and qualities of the does, so we're hoping that their fur proves to be genetically dominant over Fabio's white fur. We will know in a few months.
This is the state of their hutch when they first moved in. The bottom right cage is two levels and was made entirely by hand by Lauren and I. The girls seem to like it. I will hopefully complete the second level within the next few days and that project will be complete. The second level is going to be one big cage for when the does start to kindle and after they give birth, so the kits will never really stay in the bottom cages. There will be a poop tray underneath the cage so that the parents don't get showered in all sorts of unfavorable things.
Not only will we be harvesting their offspring for meat, but I will also be harvesting the fur for use in making various items or just trading/selling them. My first projects I have in mind for the furs are a little square pillow, a small arrow quiver for when I start deer hunting in the fall, and a blanket. The Champagne fur is extremely soft and I think would make for some great items.
Most experienced rabbitry owners actually suggest starting with two females and one male instead of two males, which surprised me. But I'm new at this, so I won't argue with the experts. You'll be seeing a lot more of our adventures with the rabbits, and if you're ever in the Cedar Falls area you can stop by and come play with them!
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